We are not seeing the healthiest of times here in 2020. Not only are we in the midst of cold and flu season, but we are now seeing the rapid spread of COVID-19. Yes, you should be washing your hands and covering your mouth when you cough but have you recently wondered, “What else can I do to prevent illness?” This question can make us feel pretty helpless – but I think I can help!
The “more” that you can do is focusing on your internal environment.
It’s pretty likely that you may come in contact with these illnesses – sadly, that part is out of your control. However, how you prepare your body to deal with the threat of germs is certainly in your control, and the keyword you need to know is homeostasis.
Homeostasis is balance within the body – everything is stable, running smoothly, the “little inside guys” are happy! This creates an environment inside your body that germs can’t stand. So even if you do come in contact with the cold, flu, or Coronavirus, you’re not as vulnerable.

Now, what were to happen if your body was not in a balanced, homeostatic state? Well, any germs that you come in contact with would be very lucky: You’d basically be a big ol’ playground for them. The “little inside guys” would have a much harder time fighting them off.

So you’re probably saying, “That’s fine and dandy, but what do I need to do?” The simplicity of the answer may surprise you:
Nutrition is KEY:
I am not going to ramble on about the science behind this (although it is my favorite topic of conversation…) It’s simple really: EAT. REAL. FOODS. Foods that grew on the Earth, ran on the Earth, swam in the ocean, flew in the sky, etc. These foods give you the building blocks to keep internal processes running smoothly. Plus, processed sugar feeds disease – just another good reason to avoid it! Learn about better options here.
Keep it moving!
I know, I know – “diet and exercise” is only the most cliché advice I could have given you. However, this one has a twist. This is on the list because the lymphatic system needs movement to do its part in the body, which is getting rid of toxins and wastes. Exercise helps, but so do dry brushing, visits to the sauna, lymphatic massages.
Herbal Remedies
This is a fun one! Herbal supplements can be a great way to take your health into your own hands, as long as it’s done safely. Some commonly known herbs that support immune health are:
- Elderberry
- Echinacea
- Ginger
- Garlic
- Oregano
Manage Stress
I mention this for a few reasons. First, stress often translates into sleep loss, and when it comes to fighting illness, that’s not okay! Stress also affects our immune response directly, limiting the white blood cells’ ability to combat intruders in the body. It also causes an imbalance within the digestive system, so all of those vitamin and mineral “building blocks” that you’ve been eating aren’t being used properly. Stress can be killer (literally), but there are many helpful resources to help you find your favorite way of managing it.
How are some of the ways that you manage your stress? Please feel free to share the love below!